Saturday, January 20, 2007

Two Takes: The Ex-Chief & The FOP President

"If the Mayor had been forthright about this months ago, then this wouldn't even be an issue now."
Former City Police Chief Robert McNeilly

I've posted two new podcasts.

Former Pittsburgh Police Chief Robert McNeilly talks about credibility, police procedures, and the questions about the 2005 run-in between Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and a city police officer.

Police union President Jim Malloy says it's an officer has discretion in deciding how to deal with such incidents. He also offers his observations about what happened.

"A lot's being made out of a two-year-old issue that was settled
... they walked away and that was the end of it."
Police Union President Jim Malloy

Meanwhile, Officer Mark Hoehn is keeping a low profile, but he did say this much to me on Friday:

"As the mayor says, we shook hands. I told him it was over. As far I'm concerned, it's over. I'm not doing interviews. According to regulations, we're not supposed to talk to the media."

Police Chief Nate Harper is declining to grant permission for any police officers to speak with reporters about the incident.

Here’s my TV report on the Pittsburgh Channel. Click the top link under ‘Video’ on that page.

(Please drop me an e-mail if you notice any page layout or audio issues on the blog. Thanks.)

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