Friday, December 19, 2008

Lamar Loses on Electronic Billboard

It's a big defeat for that huge, partially completed electronic billboard in downtown Pittsburgh; a ruling that appears to kill the nearly seven-million dollar project.

The city's Zoning Board has denied Lamar Advertising's appeal, asking for permission to finish the LED sign, as well as a electronic message ticker.

In its ruling, the Zoning Board says:

-Lamar must have been aware of the city's prohibition of such sign,
-that Lamar "cannot credibily claim that it acted in good faith" in getting a permit.

This is a split decision by the three-member Zoning Board. One member ruled against Lamar, and one did not. The third member recused himself from the vote, because he's done business with Lamar.

The bottom line: the ruling against the electronic billboard prevails.


1 comment:

Bram Reichbaum said...

Lamar "cannot credibily claim that it acted in good faith" in getting a permit.


I say this based on no nominal gifts of ties or home electronics, but on the TIME-LINE concerning when investments began to be made in a custom digital board. Especially considering the project fell so conspicuously far outside the purview of routine administrative approvals.

Though the ties and cigars illustrate the underlying dynamic.

My info tells me the negative recommendation was 17 pages long. Can't wait to read that.