Saturday, December 1, 2007

Open Records Bill Roundup

A Right to Know in Pa: Senate bill doesn't measure up
-Inquirer Editorial

...Some exceptions are necessary to protect citizens, but care must be taken not to create loopholes that would cripple the new law. Only Alabama and South Dakota have worse open-records laws than Pennsylvania....

House, Senate advance versions of open records law

...PNA legal counsel Teri Henning said that while the bill isn't all she'd like, "it's a positive step for Pennsylvania in terms of access to open records. It's an improvement and not an insignificant one."

Sen. Jim Ferlo, D-Highland Park, voted "yes" on the bill, even though he didn't like the fact that it doesn't subject the Legislature itself and the courts to the same strict open records standard that's imposed on executive branch and local agencies....

House, Senate may face open records showdown

Proposals on public records advance ; State panels OK bills to open up records

Assembly moves toward openness
-A Movement to Lift the Lid on Pennsylvania Government


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